Unfortunately we do not have slideshow lined up this month. However, we do have a great movie to share. More details on the movie will be forthcoming.

Venue: Casual Bites, Westlands. Movie starts at 8:30pm, so come earlier.

Do not forget about the Annual Dinner on the 14/15 June. Early bird payment and registration is extended till Tuesday 27th, so this is an opportunity to come and book.

Membership cards will be available for pickup too.

Food and Cash bar. 

Location of Casual Bites https://www.google.com/maps/place/Open+House+Restaurant+Ltd/@-1.2633287,36.8028941,19z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xf489f4c3c1a38e0d?hl=en

Parking (timed) at the Uchumi compound, opposite The Mall. 


MCK Committee