Hells Gate: Flash Gordon 21, 170 feet.
Entrance Wall, right end. The climb is located a little to the right of the mini stone amphitheatre. Start at the bottom of a large vertical slab with a visible crack splitting its middle. Reach the the top of the pedestal and access the crack/corner with a bouldery move. Alex has cleaned there several decades of bird crap with a broom attached to a stick, add a grade if they have built it back. At the top of the slab, delicately head left under the block, then straight up on steep rock. Towards the end, a short (steep) detour on the right avoids a couple of meters of soft rock. 60m ropes are necessary for a solid belay at the top. Brilliant climb on great rock!
Emmanuel Freudenthal and Alex Fiksman July 18, 2012
3) Frog: The Mexican Swine Line 22, 50 feet.
Left of Unlawful Entry, below a crack at about 20 feet. Climb face past two bolts and a tricky finger lock to the base of a crack. Up the crack to its natural end. Step left and up to top. Alex Fiksman, May 2, 2009