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Time to launch this years Piga Picha competition for selecting 12 outstanding photos for our 2013 calendar
Photos of MCK and non-MCK activities. Theme: outdoor, animals, mountains, climbing and nature.
Photos must preferably be from East Africa but other African locations will be considered if selection is limited or specific photo is of outstanding quality.
NO photos from outside the continent will be considered for this year’s competition.
Only fully paid MCK/NSSAC members can submit a max of 5 photos only, in ‘Landscape’ format only
Send photos (over 800 dpi) via e-mail to Subject: MCK Photo Comp 2013
Photos containing recognizable humans must be accompanied by consent from the individual on the photo.
Last day of submission is August 26th 2012.
All qualifying photos will be presented and voted for by members on supper night the 28th August 2012 at the clubhouse
Selected photos will be featured in the MCK calendar 2013. Target is to have the calendars ready by latest mid October.
Prize: NOTHING but the honour of having your picture on the calendar.
The July – August 2012 MCK newsletter is out. Great articles about MCK activities in the last two months including “Nguruman’s Adventure” by Jill, “Our Hidden Valley” by Åsa and Alex, “Trail running” by Federico and lots more.
You may now pay your membership subs using MPesa. Send the money to Catherine, the club catertaker, on 0707 712 599. Send a note to the membership secretary, that you have done so and pick up your receipt next time you are at the club.
The committee will be meeting this evening at the clubhouse. The bar will be open and you may perfect your bouldering skills in our climbing cave.