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3-6 September : Mt. Kenya, up Sirimon, down Narumoru

4 Days Trip To Mt.Kenya, up Sirimon and out Naromoru Route, from 3rd to 6th Septmember. The dates may be changed slightly if there is significant interest. The logistics for the trip will be done by Hiram.

Day 1 – Drive from Nairobi and leave the cars at Hiram’s place for safe keeping. We’ll then take a 4WD to drop us at Sirimon gate 2650 metres where we will start our hike. It is a 10 kilometre hike to reach at Old Moses camp 3300 metres.
Day 2 – Start the hike, walk through the moorland and on to Mackinder valley to reach Shiptons camp at 4200 metres.
Day 3 – Rise early in the morning to go for the summit point, Lenana 4985 metres, then walk to Mackinder’s where we’ll spend the night.
Day 4 – Walk down to met station. Pick up from there back to Nairobi.


Get in touch with Miano, , by 8th August 2011 if interested.

Mountain Rescue Course

Felix Berg, professional mountain adventurer and Mt. Kenya speed climbing champion (and Ex-MCK member) has kindly offered to teach Mountain Rescue Techniques on Mt Kenya for about 1 week in early August. The course will involve climbing and self-rescue, so experience of leading trad / building anchors is required. The maximum number of participants is 10.


Further details may be found here.


For those wanting to participate, contact Kirsten via or Felix at for further details.

13th August : Climbing wall party

Calling all climbing wall users! On Saturday we will meet at the new club house to take down the climbing wall at the old club house. Tools will be available, but bring hammers, pry bars and wrenches suitable for dismantling the wall that you might have. We will then take the pieces back to the new club house and take a break to get some exercise in the new climbing cave. 

Questions and confirmations to Jeff at

Piga Picha : Photography Competition

Themes: Outdoors, Animals, Mountains, Climbing and Nature. 
Members of both MCK and the Dive Club are eligible to participate. One can submit a maximum of 5 photos.
Deadline for submission is Midnight, July 31st 2011.
Send photos (over 800 dpi) via e-mail to with the subject: MCK Photo Competition 2012
All qualifying photos will be presented and voted by members during an MCK evening at the clubhouse on August 9th
Selected photos will be featured in the MCK calender 2012. Target is to have the calenders ready by end of September 2011.