MCK members camping near Shaba. Credit: Helen Kinuthia MCK members camping near Shaba.

 Joining the Mountain Club of Kenya

You can apply to join the MCK by filling out an online form. Once you apply, you’ll need to pay for your membership with MPESA, see the rates below.

The membership requires approval by the committee according to our constitution but in the rare case that your membership is denied we’ll reimburse you the full amount.

If you do not want to fill the form online, you print out the old MCK Membership Form and give the form, along with applicable dues, to committee members at a Tuesday night meeting. Please note that the rates on the Membership form are outdated, refer to those listed below.

MCK Membership Renewal

To renew your membership to MCK :

1) Login to the website here: If you forgot your password, you can request a new one. If you don’t have an account on the website, you’ll need to create one
2) Go to this page and click on the membership option you want (ONCE please):
3) Transfer the required amount (4000 by MPESA for individual membership).
4) Please email your mpesa message to the email addresses below:
5) That’s it. Just wait for the approval of your renewal, it might take a couple of weeks.

Membership costs

Basic membership rates are as follows:

Annual subscription After July
Individual 4,000 2000
Family 6,400 3,200
Overseas  $40 / £25 $20 / £13
Temporary (3 months): 2500
Student*/Junior: 1,100 550

* Student membership is for EAST AFRICAN students only.

If you want to participate in an MCK activity but you don’t want to become a full member, the daily membership fee is KShs 400 for Kenyan citizens and 800 for non-citizens.

You can pay by MPesa to the MCK with Paybill 880926 and use your name as the Account Number.

Benefits of Membership

By joining MCK you get to meet and benefit from the experience and support of existing members, to use the resources of the club (including equipment and hut on Mt Kenya), to access discounted rates at Blue Sky climbing wall, and to access free entry at Lukenya hill. You’re also encouraged to make your own contribution to the club and their membership.

Benefits include:

  • Belonging and supporting the outdoor community in Kenya, and ensuring that crags stay accessible and the environment is protected.
  • Taking part in climbing and hiking trips run by members (at no profit, you just pay the costs, and run your own trips)
  • Social events twice a month: Climb and Curry on the first Wednesday of every month, and social night on the third Tuesday of the month
  • Free rock-climbing trainings every year for beginners and intermediate
  • Free access to Lukenya crags
  • Free access to the MCK hut on Mt Kenya
  • Access to bouldering pads, free
  • Access to climbing equipment for a small fee (shoes, harness and belay devices)
  • Free access to a members-only library (with an extensive and unique collection of maps, books, etc)
  • Many discounts such as:
    • Blue Sky discounts such as cheaper entry on Wednesdays (and we meet there for climb&curry once a month) and a three months pass for the price of two months.
    • 13% discount for rescue service. Ground and air evacuation.
    • 10% discount at Sabache camp near Ololokwe, the home of climbing epics.
    • Discount at the Mt Kenya festival (when it takes place)
    • Cheaper entry to MCK special film screenings
    • Discounts at first aid courses organised by Outdoor Africa and the SOLO School
    • Discounts to stay at the huts operated by Naro Moru River Lodge and Mountain Rock on Mt Kenya
    • Discounted rates with, a land rescue service that coordinates with relevant local ambulance services to provide an emergency response.

The club attracts those interested in outdoor activities with a desire to explore Kenya, develop their hobbies both in terms of technical ability and experiences and, most of all, to extend their social networks and benefit from the support of those with similar interests. And, you have an opportunity to really get involved and regardless of your level of experience or knowledge you will be encouraged to take an active role in assisting in or leading activities.