Ndotos Mountain Range in Northern Kenya is yet another testament to Kenya’s vast outdoor beauty. We plan to pitch base camp from 23rd to 27th/28th December on the Milgis Lugga, which is a strategic point between the Ndotos and Mathew ranges and from where we’ll conduct day hikes in that area. Peaks on Ndotos range from 2507m for the southern most range, 2635m at the center and 2534m at the northern most range. We will be able to see Baio on the far eastern side of the Ndotos at 1751m. Mathews Ranges start from 2068m on the southern most range, on to 2285m, 2375m, then down to 2288m on the northern most tip (closest to our base camp). We plan, time permitting, to explore most of the Ndotos ranges and extend onto Mathews when we can.
Distance: Nairobi to Laisamis is about 400km. Estimate from Laisamis to proposed base camp 100km giving a total of 500km (about 8hours drive). Last stop for fuel is Isolo, but remember our new fantastic super highway is now complete to Merille, where the tarmac ends and rough roads begins.  
Closing date for interested parties is Tuesday 21st Dec 2010. Contact Ivy, imutiso@yahoo.com